IB PYP Primary

ib primary years programme

The PYP is all about inquiry: the process through which a learner moves from his or her current level of understanding to a new and deeper level. The PYP programme, intended for children ages 3 to 12, encourages students to become inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, and to be knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective. Students develop these attributes within the classroom, during assemblies, in the playground, and while participating in the many extracurricular activities at Ambassador International Academy.

As students move into the Primary section from the Early Years, Ambassador International Academy provides an environment rich in opportunities to grow and learn for young students. The learning spaces are created for students to explore and inquire. Students ask questions, engage in authentic research and arrive at conclusions that solve real world problems.

Ambassador International Academy LLC is an authorised IB World School for PYP and MYP programme. IB World Schools share a common philosophy-a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.

The PYP is all about inquiry: the process through which a learner moves from his or her current level of understanding to a new and deeper level.

Our students will be:

  • Exploring, wondering and questioning;
  • Collecting data and reporting findings;
  • Taking and defending a position;
  • Using critical thinking skills to understand a concept;
  • Making and testing theories;
  • Experimenting and playing with possibilities;
  • Solving problems in a variety of ways.
ib primary programme

By using inquiry-based learning, the PYP engages and challenges students who have many diverse perspectives, values, cultural backgrounds, and languages. Ambassador International Academy is committed to a developmental approach. This means that students may progress through the programme at different rates.

The six subject areas of Language, Social Studies, Personal, Social and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science and Technology and the Arts are woven into the Units of Inquiry to provide a trans-disciplinary approach to learning. In the last year of the PYP, students participate in the PYP Exhibition which is an extended, in-depth, collaborative project showcasing their development through their engagement with the PYP.

Our curriculum draws from the National Curriculum of England and the Scope and Sequence documents of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. It blends the inquiry approach with the rigour of science, maths and English. Students benefit from a range of lessons in curricular and extra curricular activities. Our students work in groups of 1:14, as optimum student-teacher ratio. They have access to working in specialised learning spaces including our science laboratory, library, sports facilities, performing arts and visual arts studios.