Other Curriculums


Other Curriculums


In line with the UAE Inclusive Education Policy Framework, Ambassador International Academy is fully committed to inclusion within the school. This includes students who are identified with Specific Learning Difficulties, children with English as an Additional Language and who require support and students who are identified as Gifted and Talented.

Our Inclusion Team works with students and their families to support and guide to ensure that all students are given tailored programmes according to their needs. This could include individual learning or education plans with strategies to support the student, individual or small group classes targeting specific learning issues or behaviour management programmes.


STEAM is an educational approach to learning that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
In this digital age, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of both globalisation and a knowledge-based economy. Ambassador International Academy has integrated STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning in the classroom to teach students to take calculated risks, engage in experiential learning, resolve problems, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process.

In our STEAM laboratory, our teachers facilitate learning environments that are fluid, dynamic, and relevant. They guide students through the problem-solving process and plan projects that lead to mastery of content and STEAM proficiency, so that students are able to answer complex questions, investigate global issues, and develop solutions for challenges and real world problems while applying the rigour of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics seamlessly. These classes enable students to experience a number of innovative topics like robotics, 3D printing and coding. Students and teachers engaged in STEAM make more real-life connections and build an experiential learning environment that challenges and supports them to be inquisitive critical thinkers and innovators.


Ambassador International Academy understands the importance of technological skills for students that will empower them to thrive in today’s digital age and compete as the leaders of the future. Digital learning is embedded in our curricular and extra-curricular programmes. We also provide cross-curricular integration of technology to enable students in communication, collaboration and critical research through the use of media-rich projects. For example, students using 3D printers or learning how to code in our gaming room, iMovie making using a green screen; designing and printing their own 3D models and engineering robots.

We offer a range of quality and appropriate software and tools for our students. In our Early Years classes, iPads are provided for student use under the guidance of the teachers, building a foundation in collaboration and sharing. We also use computers to enhance core skills such as mouse control, logging in and keyboard recognition. In our Early Years we provide iPads and we continue to do this up to Grade 4, as well as daily access to computers in the classroom and ICT lab. In Grade 5, we offer a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program, which is supplemented with school iPads, Mac and Windows computers in the classrooms and regular access to our ICT labs.

Students learn to be responsible when applying technology to become skilled digital citizens, under the guidance of experienced and specialist educators. Our students become confident users in a range of contexts and are aware of its benefits and associated risks. It is exciting to see our students develop holistically and become global citizens who are familiar with technology and innovation.
We continue to ensure that students are e-confident and encourage educational innovation through the thoughtful adoption of widely-used consumer technologies to ensure that Ambassador students are ‘future ready’.


Ambassador International Academy provides a language rich learning environment which gives children opportunities for speaking, listening and sharing their views and feelings in a new language.
French, Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin are offered from KG2 onwards.

Arabic is taught from KG2 onwards to both Arabic speakers and non-Arabic speakers by our dedicated Arabic teachers who follow the Ministry of Education scheme. The scheme contains integral aspects of the Arabic history and culture as well as language.

We welcome students who do not have English as their first language and provide an academically robust, comprehensive and high level English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme. This is tailored and resourced to provide optimal conditions for academic and personal success. EAL and Mother Tongue & Language Acquisitions Programmes are delivered by Inlingua International providing both face to face and online language courses aligned to the Council of European Framework (CEF).

Language lessons are complemented by the celebration of important national holidays, festivals and field trips, where language students share their learning, and native speaking teachers impart their cultural knowledge and experiences.


There are clear benefits of using technology in the classroom and at Ambassador International Academy we are committed to using innovative teaching methods to serve students better and to teach them about the benefits of innovative thinking. Innovation is part of the National Agenda and to support this and our students’ development, we are committed to developing the next generation of innovators.

Technology in school makes learning interesting and engaging and allows for faster and more efficient delivery of lessons, both in the classroom and at home. It also makes collaboration easier ensuring that students, teachers, and parents communicate and collaborate more effectively.

Our teachers help students to build technology-based skills, allowing them to learn early on in their school career, to embrace and take advantage of the tools technology offers in every aspect of their studies.

Across the curriculum, Ambassador International Academy students are given the opportunity to get involved with many varied and innovative projects. Students can be challenged to devise a container to protect an egg when dropped from a height, construct a bridge from wooden sticks that will hold a bag of sugar or produce creative ideas to design a water rocket using information about pressure learnt in science and trajectories in maths. All these projects encourage students to think in innovative ways and apply skills and knowledge learnt elsewhere to the task in hand.


Music is part of the curriculum for all students. Students are taught concepts including:

  • Music appreciation and percussion;
  • Elements of music and body movement;
  • Practical skills on a range of instruments, including violin, keyboard and guitar.
  • Music history and contexts, making cross-curricular links with other subject areas;
  • Aural/ear Training;
  • Theory of music and music analysis;
  • Music technology;
  • Harmony and counterpoint.


We believe that studying music, drama, visual arts and dance help students communicate and develop a lifelong engagement and appreciation for the arts. An enriched school experience expands a student’s horizon, both inside and outside of the classroom. Through the Arts, we encourage exploration, self-expression, imagination, communication, and cultural and historical understanding to allow our students to become truly creative thinkers.

Visual Arts

In art, craft and design, students work with traditional and new media, developing confidence, competence, creativity and imagination. The visual arts curriculum covers the basic concepts and practical skills in art and design.

It also includes understanding of concepts, visualisation and creative expression in various art media. Students learn to appreciate and understand artefacts across history and cultures. Students reflect critically on their own and other peoples work, judging quality, value and meaning.

Performing Arts

In the Performing Arts programme, children communicate freely with their voice, face and body. They learn to express ideas, empathise with others, develop a sense of belonging and ultimately gain confidence. Theatre, music, song and dance can help children become more imaginative and self-aware.


Our Drama department’s goal is to create a welcoming and engaging environment, to develop imagination, skilled expression and shared passion for theatre and performing arts.

Our drama sessions are colourful and fun, exploring techniques through a skills and issue-based curriculum. The department promotes learning about theatre through lessons, activities, workshops, trips and productions.


Ambassador International Academy has a purpose built dance studio. Through dance, students develop spatial awareness and become more coordinated, more attentive and helpful.


Sport is central to the life of the school. Sport should be enjoyed by and is valuable to all. Self-confidence and teamwork are qualities that transfer to other areas of school life and all our students have the opportunity to be involved in sport at some level.

Outdoor facilities include tennis courts, football pitch, cricket nets and pitch and track markings for athletics. There is a 25m outdoor shaded pool plus a training pool for the Early Years.

The Sport Programme includes the following:

  • Cricket
  • Volley ball
  • Tennis
  • Netball
  • Football
  • Rounders
  • Handball
  • Tag Rugby
  • Table Tennis
  • Swimming
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Athletics

PE and sport are taught by dedicated specialist staff who seek to motivate each and every child to do their best and to help foster a love of sport that will stay with them throughout their time at school and beyond. All students have lessons with our specialist staff from Pre-KG onwards.

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